Portfolio AllApartmentsAutomotiveBanksChurchesCommunityDentalEducationHealthcareHospitalityIndustrialManufacturingNot-For-ProfitOfficesParking Lot StorageRecreationRestaurantsRetailVeterinary Goodwill Mission ServicesEducation, Not-For-Profit Burton’s LaundryRetail Downtown Elkhart Office Space RenovationOffices Sonset SolutionsOffices Mishawaka Animal Care CenterVeterinary Rex Martin NIBCO Interactive MuseumBuilding Services, Community, Education NIBCO World HeadquartersOffices Combined Technologies, INC (CTI)Industrial, Manufacturing Elcona Country Club, The TurnRecreation, Restaurants Oaklawn Crisis Center, GoshenHealthcare Dr. Mader – Care EstheticsDental American Containers, Inc.Industrial, Manufacturing Soaring Rail, LLCIndustrial, Manufacturing Burton’s LaundryRetail LazyDays RV Service BuildingAutomotive, Manufacturing, Recreation Copperleaf Cove ApartmentsApartments PopeyesRestaurants Oaklawn Psychiatric CenterHealthcare, Offices Dental Care Alliance – South BendDental Bennington MarineOffices Four Flags Family DentistryDental Buffalo Wild Wings RenovationRestaurants Tippecanoe Lake Country ClubRecreation, Restaurants Lincolnway PlazaRetail Wag’n Tails Mobile ConversionsIndustrial, Offices Morris Animal HospitalVeterinary Premier Internal Medicine, LLCHealthcare Aluminum InsightsIndustrial Granger Dental and OrthodonticsDental Hummel Group Insurance & Wealth ManagementOffices Goodwill Excel CenterEducation, Not-For-Profit Shady Creek WineryRestaurants YMCA CAMP EBERHART, OBENCHAIN APARTMENTSApartments, Community, Education, Not-For-Profit, Recreation LazyDays RVIndustrial, Manufacturing Victory DriveawayParking Lot Storage Rieth-RileyOffices TMJ & Sleep Therapy CentreDental, Healthcare Kryder + Harr Veterinary ClinicVeterinary Goodwill PlymouthEducation, Not-For-Profit, Retail Michiana SmilesDental Elkhart Fire Station #5Community Heartland RVManufacturing Dr. Lynn Albrecht, DDSDental Crossroads Pediatric DentistryDental Valley PlazaOffices La Casa De AmistadEducation, Not-For-Profit, Offices Knollwood Country ClubRecreation PopeyesRestaurants Lippert Plant 19Manufacturing ImagineeringManufacturing, Offices Bennington MarineManufacturing, Offices Norfolk SouthernIndustrial Morris Park Country ClubRecreation YMCA Camp EberhartCommunity, Not-For-Profit, Recreation Syndicate SystemsManufacturing Jeffery S. Mader, DDSDental Del Pilar Medical and Urgent Care CenterHealthcare TLCU FinancialBanks First State BankBanks OaklawnHealthcare, Not-For-Profit Goshen Center for Cancer CareHealthcare, Not-For-Profit Heart City Health Women’s CenterHealthcare, Not-For-Profit Greenbush Brewing Co. South BendRestaurants Auto DriveawayParking Lot Storage Buffalo Wild Wings- ElkhartRestaurants Centier BankBanks 1st Source BankBanks Goshen High School Cafeteria & Music AdditionsEducation, Not-For-Profit AFDENTDental Lyons IndustriesManufacturing Keystone RVManufacturing Honeywell Robotic RoomManufacturing Goshen Street DepartmentManufacturing CHAMPAGNE METALSManufacturing Springhill Suites by MarriottHospitality Oakwood InnHospitality Benton Township Fire StationCommunity Reith Park Splash PadCommunity, Recreation Lakeville Public LibraryCommunity Morris-1st Source Scout CenterCommunity, Education Potawatomi Zoo EntranceCommunity Potawatomi Zoo Endangered Species CarouselCommunity Potawatomi Zoo River Otter ExhibitCommunity Potawatomi Zoo Red Panda ExhibitCommunity Newton ParkCommunity, Recreation Warsaw Central ParkCommunity Shiojiri GardenCommunity Hope Community ChurchChurches, Not-For-Profit St. Dominic Catholic ChurchChurches, Not-For-Profit Elkhart County Visitor CenterCommunity, Offices St. Paul LutheranChurches, Education, Not-For-Profit Goshen Middle School Aquatic CenterEducation, Not-For-Profit Goshen College Juanita Welcome Center & Hunsberger CommonsEducation Goshen College Student ApartmentsApartments, Education, Hospitality Goodwill Excel CenterEducation, Not-For-Profit, Retail Concord Intermediate SchoolEducation, Not-For-Profit The Goddard School of GrangerEducation Holiday Inn Express & SuitesHospitality Our Lady of the Lake CatholicChurches, Not-For-Profit Morris Civic PlazaCommunity Waterford CrossingHospitality Edison LakesOffices Inovateus SolarOffices Universal BearingsManufacturing Angola DentalDental Swan Lake ResortHospitality Cold Stone CreameryRetail Unity Surgical ArtsHealthcare Eddy Street CommonsRetail South Bend Cubs Tiki HutRecreation Shoppes on EdisonRetail Ox Bow TowerCommunity, Recreation Outpost Sports Eddy Street CommonsRetail Honey Baked HamRestaurants Jesus Latin Grill & Tequila BarRestaurants South Bend Cubs – 1st Source Performance CenterRecreation Maitland EngineeringOffices Nibco Water and Ice ParkCommunity, Not-For-Profit, Recreation AgdiaOffices Heart City Health DentalDental, Not-For-Profit PARK 33Apartments ATC TrailersManufacturing Evil Czech BreweryRestaurants Grace College Softball ComplexRecreation Aegis Dental Group – WarsawDental ETHOS Innovation CenterEducation, Not-For-Profit Studebaker Water Fountain | Leeper ParkCommunity Sturgis WesleyanChurches Basney HondaAutomotive UNIVERSITY PARK VET HOSPITALVeterinary The Hideaway at the LaSalleRestaurants Tom Naquin NissanAutomotive Jordan FordAutomotive BASNEY BMWAutomotive GURLEY LEEP HONDAAutomotive ANIMAL AID CLINICVeterinary BUILDING INSPIRING OFFICE SPACES EXPLORE OUR WORKCONNECT WITH US