by Amy Self | Jan 24, 2020
Ancon built the new 2,000 square foot store.
“We’ve had a lot of interest in this new location. Shoppers from the other stores in the plaza should bring a lot of foot traffic in. The commerce in that area looks to be in a good upward trend”.
Larry Brown, Owner
Cold Stone Creamery
by Amy Self | Jan 24, 2020
Eddy Street Commons is an award-winning mixed-use urban redevelopment project constructed as a joint venture between Kite
Development, the City of South Bend, and the University of Notre Dame. Ancon’s role in this 15 square block project included constructing asphalt and brick roadways and sidewalks, decorative concrete walkways, 15,000 lineal feet of curbs, two pedestrian bridges, and landscaping. Ancon also built new stores for Outpost Sports and Hot Box Pizza in the retail areas. The project was approximately 4.1 million.
by Amy Self | Jan 24, 2020
Shoppes on Edison is a mixed-use 9,100 square foot building, featuring up to four tenant spaces. One of the end tenant spaces has a drive-through for convenience. The facade features two types of stone styles and EIFS, which compliments the architecture along Main Street.
“Very, impressed with Sean’s techenical expertise and ability to work collectively with Doug and his proactive approach to problem solving… a very well built project.”
David P. Woodke, Director of Construction
Midland Atlantic
by Amy Self | Jan 24, 2020
In 2009 we completed the buildout for OutPost Sports, located at Eddy Stree Commons.