by Amy Self | Aug 21, 2021
In 2017, Ancon Construction designed and built a new addition for Bennington Marine in Elkhart, IN. The 57,500 square foot addition allowed Bennington to increase production from 50 boats to 55 boats a day. Included in the addition were a new R & D space, added production space, and employee breakroom. The addition was completed without losing one hour of production time. Coordination with the facility manager and timing of milestone phases of the project allowed the existing building to continue production with no shutdown throughout the entire construction phase.
by Amy Self | Jan 24, 2020
Ancon provided design-build services for the building envelope and site work and managed these fast-track projects. The projects all utilized Butler’s multi-story structural system and Butler MR-24 standing seam roof systems erected by Ancon’s steel crew. All 3-story projects ranging in size from 42,000 to 125,000 square feet.
Green Considerations:
- 100% of stormwater retained on site.
- Site balanced to keep 100% of fill on site.
- Concrete pavement is used to reduce the heat island effect and aid site lighting.
- Energy-efficient envelope with groundwater source heat pumps
- Retention ponds utilized for stormwater retentions.
- Butler steel structure and roof made from recyclable materials.
by Amy Self | Jan 24, 2020
The project consists of interior renovation and office buildout to their corporate headquarters. The project included modern offices with interior windows clustered around a “think tank” (collaboration lounge), restrooms with employee showers, a spacious conference room, a two-story atrium lounge, conference rooms, and employee hang out zones. Interior design concepts focused on the building user and the experience which they have in a work-place environment.
by Amy Self | Jan 24, 2020
Ancon renovated 5,800 square feet of existing space at Maitland Engineering in South Bend, IN. The renovation included private and open offices, small and large conference rooms, glass walls, and upgraded the facade. The new agile work environment provides employees flexibility and collaboration.